"The employment contract is the fundamental element for granting NISS to a foreign citizen", says the institute led by Octávio de Oliveira, in a note published on its website, highlighting that "it is not necessary for the NISS to be included in the contract of work".
Thus, companies "do not need to wait for the worker to have the NISS to sign the employment contract".
After granting the NISS by Social Security, the employer "must communicate the employment relationship through Direct Social Security, ensuring compliance with its contribution obligations", says the note, published in Portuguese and English.
"The regularisation of the contribution situation is essential to guarantee access to the rights and benefits provided for in the social security system, contributing to the protection of workers and the sustainability of the system", he concludes.
At the beginning of December, the Government met with employer confederations to discuss how labour migration works, having proposed a cooperation protocol, which will still be discussed with employers.
Speaking to Lusa, the president of CAP indicated that the Government's proposal to move forward with setting maximum deadlines for granting a residence and temporary stay visa to foreign citizens who meet the necessary requirements, namely having a work contract.
The Government also wants companies to commit to guaranteeing housing and training for immigrants. The proposal is being discussed by business confederations, which are expected to meet again with the ministry led by Antônio Leitão Amaro at the beginning of January.