According to the diploma, published in Diário da República, the “offences provided for in this law are punished with a fine of a minimum value corresponding to five times the value of the respective toll fee, but never less than 25 (euro), and a maximum value corresponding to twice the minimum amount of the fine, with respect for the maximum limits provided for in the General Regime of Tax Offenses”.

This law amends another diploma, from 2006, which was, in turn, amended several times. In its latest version, it established that “the offenses provided for in this law are punished with a fine of a minimum value corresponding to 7.5 times the value of the respective toll fee, but never less than (euro) 25 and a maximum value corresponding to four times the amount minimum value of the fine, with respect for the maximum limits provided for in the General Regime of Tax Infractions”.

The diploma, which only comes into force on July 1, 2024, further determines that “if the offenses provided for in this law are committed by the same agent, in the same month, using the same vehicle and on the same road infrastructure, the maximum value of the fine corresponds to that of a single administrative offence” and “costs greater than those corresponding to a single administrative offense may not be charged”.