Speaking to journalists, Pedro Baganha, acknowledged that the measure “is not nice”, but that “it is necessary” and is part of “the effort to manage and organise public spaces”.
Limited-duration parking will be applied on Avenida Fontes Pereira de Melo and on streets Eng. Ferreira Dias and Manuel Pinto de Azevedo.
The decision is related to the “policy of dissuasion and reducing the number of cars” and promoting the use of public transport, explained the councillor, noting that that area of the city is “well served”.
“There are two metro stations and a set of bus lines that serve this area”, said the councillor.
Pedro Baganha also added that similar to the Asprela area, in this area it will be possible for workers to pay 2.40 euros for 10 hours of parking per day.
This can be applied to everyone who wishes, he said, recognising that the value is lower than the occasional Andante title but lower than the monthly pass.
“This just means that we took into account those who work in Porto’s business area”, he added.
The proposed recommendation presented by the CDU councillor, Ilda Figueiredo, so that parking in the industrial and business areas remained free of parking meters was rejected.
Also speaking to journalists, Ilda Figueiredo argued that "those mainly affected" by this measure are workers, who even if they resort to the tariff of 2.40 euros per day, this is equivalent to "around 50 euros per month".