With a total expenditure of 114.5 million euros, the Lisbon Metro will have 42 new carriages in service at the start of next year that will be "more modern" and "more accessible". The new carriages will not only have greater windows, air conditioning, and digital screens, but they will also have no ramps or slopes, making them more accessible for those with impaired mobility.

The infrastructure minister emphasised in his speech the significance of this kind of investment, pointing out that it is the biggest in the past 24 years. Ninety seats total, including thirty priority seats denoted by a different colour and enough for two wheelchairs, are available in each triple unit. As Miguel Pinto Luz, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing explained, “There is an investment [in the Metro] that has not existed for decades. A policy of continuity and reinforcement, in order to make the system more integrated, efficient and predictable”.

The Metropolitan launched a second international public tender at the end of 2023 for the purchase of 24 new triple units (72 carriages) to supplement the current fleet in light of the network's expansion, in addition to the procurement of these 14 new units.

The minister acknowledged that occasionally "there are reasons for complaints" regarding the metro's operation, but he pleaded with passengers to be tolerant, emphasising that "technological changes are taking place”. As he concluded, “We are thinking about the future and improving public service”.